import numpy as np
from dotmap import DotMap
from scipy.signal import filtfilt
from scipy import signal
class Preprocess:
######################## Initialization of Biomarkers #####################
def __init__(self,fL=0.5000001, fH=12, order=4, sm_wins={'ppg':50,'vpg':10,'apg':10,'jpg':10}):
The purpose of the Preprocess class is to filter and calculate the PPG, PPG', PPG", and PPG'" signals.
:param fL: Lower cutoff frequency (Hz)
:type fL: float
:param fH: Upper cutoff frequency (Hz)
:type fH: float
:param order: Filter order
:type order: int
:param sm_wins: dictionary of smoothing windows in millisecond:
- ppg: window for PPG signal
- vpg: window for PPG' signal
- apg: window for PPG" signal
- jpg: window for PPG'" signal
:type sm_wins: dict
self.fL = fL
self.fH = fH
def get_signals(self, s: DotMap):
'''This function calculates the preprocessed PPG, PPG', PPG", and PPG'" signals.
:param s: a struct of PPG signal:
- s.v: a vector of PPG values
- s.fs: the sampling frequency of the PPG in Hz
- s.filtering: a bool for filtering
:type s: DotMap
:return: ppg, vpg, apg, jpg: preprocessed PPG, PPG', PPG", and PPG'"
## PPG filtering
if s.filtering:
fL = self.fL
fH = self.fH
order = self.order
if fL==0:
b,a = signal.cheby2(order, 20, [fH], 'low', fs=s.fs)
b, a = signal.cheby2(order, 20, [fL,fH], 'bandpass', fs=s.fs)
ppg_cb2 = filtfilt(b, a, s.v)
if s.fs >= 75:
win = round(s.fs * self.sm_wins['ppg']/1000)
B = 1 / win * np.ones(win)
ppg = filtfilt(B, 1, ppg_cb2)
if s.fs >= 150 and s.filtering:
## PPG' filtering
win = round(s.fs * self.sm_wins['vpg']/1000)
B1 = 1 / win * np.ones(win)
dx = np.gradient(ppg)
vpg = filtfilt(B1, 1, dx)
## PPG" filtering
win = round(s.fs * self.sm_wins['apg']/1000)
B2 = 1 / win * np.ones(win)
ddx = np.gradient(vpg)
apg = filtfilt(B2, 1, ddx)
## PPG'" filtering
win = round(s.fs * self.sm_wins['jpg']/1000)
B3 = 1 / win * np.ones(win)
dddx = np.gradient(apg)
jpg = filtfilt(B3, 1, dddx)
vpg = np.gradient(ppg)
apg = np.gradient(vpg)
jpg = np.gradient(apg)
return ppg, vpg, apg, jpg